Was it worth it to be happy for a little bit, even though it ended up sad, or would it have been better if the whole thing never happened?

The saddest part is when somebody gives you the best memory, becomes a memory

i hate this. i hate how my brain is wired to obsess over you. i hate how i wake up everyday and my first thought of the day is about you. i hate how my entire life revolves around you

but i love you. and that is enough for me to keep trying

i’ve moved on from him but i kinda miss the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I just miss missing him.

When we made eye contact, it held too much endearment for us to just be friends.

The right souls will find and meet each other at the right time and place. No matter how far they are now, if it is meant to be, it will be.

In an alternate universe, we met and fell effortlessly in love. There wasn’t any hesitation or fear. Just us.

Been a firm believer in not wanting kids and this dude comes barrelling into my life and is making me question everything. I didn't want to get married and yet I could see us doing exactly that. He would make such a good dad and I can't believe I'm at a point I would be happy to provide.

At some point I just stopped caring, not about you, but just something inside accepted that I could care about you and stop fighting to keep someone who wasn't meant for me.

I think I've finally accepted it. I no longer get that anxiety riddled adrenaline rush when I feel you slipping away. I guess I'm okay with you moving on knowing that.

No bad blood, no sadness, no nothing.

I guess sometimes, it is possible to free your heart from heartache and grief.

god help me, i am so in love with you. it's like there is nothing else. no needs no desires or memories that are not of you, no reality outside the regret of not being able to witness every single second of your existence in this world. it's violent, what it does to me to be so far away from you. i sometimes hope it's the same for you. but sometimes i hope you are happy and thoughtless, just occasionally feeling lucky for having met me, at peace with the fact that we are and must be apart, that nothing can ever fill the physical space that separates us. it should be reassuring for me too, except i find it hard to breathe, and like water, you drip deep into my every thought and you get stuck. i get stuck. and i feel myself rotting.

i want to close my eyes and sleep through winter. through the end that is going to come for you and i. wake up feeling refreshed, forgetful.

like after you've had a nice dream you can't really remember