Things to remember:

It's not that they don't understand you, it's that they refuse to.

Anyone can hear you, but that doesn't mean they're listening. find someone who's willing to listen.

Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words.

Their absence either show's you how better off you are without them, or how much you care about them.

Only chase at the same level that they exchange. if they put more effort, you follow suit.

Relationships should be an equal give and take.

Never change yourself to match their ideologies, if they need to change you, their with the wrong person, same goes to you.

Someone who loves you, accepts you for you.

A lot of things can be fixed if we were open with out emotions and spoke about it.

Your boundaries aren't less valuable than the person.

And there's many more.

Silence hurts. Alot.

But that's the thing with unconditional love. I will love you even at your worst. I will be here when you're ready.

But i can't lie and say that i don't want to have a conversation. A stress free one. I want to talk to you. I want you to ask "How was your day?" and i will ramble about whatevers on my mind. And we wouldn't have to deal with this.

I want to be your friend.

Silence hurts

I wish you knew that there is love inside of you. And i can feel it. Love finds itself in the simplest things, in many different ways. I wish that was enough to make you confident in your feelings.

Have you ever felt love this tender?

When he smiles, I melt. I want to wake up to that smile forever.

I hate that you‘re gorgeous. And that you look so damn good in every you wear. I hate that you have the cutest smile, and the most electrifying sense of humor. I hate that you are smart and charismatic. I hate that you haven’t moved away. And I hate that I want you.

And I think the thing I hate the most I that I’m so close to loving you, it hurts.

P.S. (You looked absolutely beautiful today)

Just once, I want someone to fall in love with me.

You keep hurting yourself by remembering every detail of me through these posts you keep writing. I agree with you that i will never know how much you miss me and how much you love me.

You shoudn't have fallen in love with me baby. Our story is a tragedy.

You didn't let me go, maybe you don't want to. But you know deep down that you need to let me go. You know how much you hurt me and why it is over for me.

I can still see your eyes. Sometimes i feel you. Last night I dreamt of you.

Even though i love you and miss's over.

I tried to forget you, but that only made me think of you more.

Having to pretend day in and day out that I'm perfectly fine and happy is wearing on me. I am in love with someone in secret that I can never have and who doesn't love me back. Hell, I haven't had any contact with her in so very long but she's in my thoughts when I'm awake and she is sometimes in my dreams. I'm depressed, anxious, feeling like a failure in my career, have so few friends and feel like an outsider with my peers. I can't open up to my loved ones about any of this. Either they don't understand, don't seem to care or both. Some have made fun of me, some have judged harshly and some just tell me that absolutely worthless advice of "just cheer up, you're being melodramatic." What am I supposed to do when there's no one to turn to for help? So I suffer in silence, put on a smiling face and hide once in awhile to let the tears flow.

"She probably had a crush on me, too. Why else would she look at me like that so much?"

One of many lies I've been telling myself about you. :(