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1000 letters.

A guy I met a “not so” few days ago, A guy I’ve never ever met

Before did something crazy to me. I never expected that this guy

Could turn my world updside down. I

Don’t even know how it started, how it happened and I don’t want it to

End. Like ever. We are great

Friends. We will be friends for life. I

Guess and do

Hope so because that’s a promise

I made not just to him but also to myself cause I just can’t lose this guy

Just imagining this guys smile

Kills me. Imagination is all I got for now but it’s somehow “SULIT” like for real. I just


Making him feel special cause he truly is something special


One or no guy can replace this guys position in my heart and in my life. He has this

Pleasing personality. A 

Quality of a good guy any girl could wish for and I’m 

Really happy to have met this guy and I’m hoping that

Someday he’d still be dying to hug me

Tight. Especially when he gets to know me more cause I think it might be different 

Uranus? Nope. He’s just simply J my WORLD. A


Wonderful creature that God made. His

X wasted such a fine and decent guy. J I know

You’re reading this lol. Thank for doing this crazy thing to me. Whatever it is it’s making me so happy and it’s making me feel so blessed. I’m just so lucky that you talked to me and to have you as a friend. You’re just making me so happy and you changed the way I live my life, you changed the way I look at things. I used to walk in a

Zigzag road but you showed me the right path to the right life I deserve. Now my journey in life begins..... with you

Havent made cookies lately....i should though.

You seriously have a way with words

Ugh He's so Annoying?

When we write letters to someone very dear to us we put on our best attire. I don't mean this in the literal sense but we come up with what our heart tells us, and we write this with our best character. We write beautifully and eloquently. It's in that solitude, that silence, or in the moment where the music talks to your heart and soul in ways reasoning can't fathom.

When we have that pen, our authentic handwriting express our truest feelings. The tongue and the spoken word have been soiled from everyday use. They cannot convey the bold beauty which our pens can communicate.

If you ever read the letters I wrote to you beloved, its no pose or deception that if my soul shows up better in my letters to you than it does in real life. Nor am I false in my love letters for you for each word comes from the deepest part of me. I'm not making myself better than I actually am, I'm becoming better as I write each letter for you, and in this very moment as I write I am better than who I was hours ago.

I am truly myself in such moments, the greatest moments life can best bestow upon us. The immensity of my love for you are in these words I write for you dear. Though I'm a fool to love you, being a fool is what I have a Ph.D in.

The Chem Prince

So... are you still making oatmeal cookies lately? I had some last week and was like looking at the cookie like... hmm ? lmao! 

The weather here is getting cold man. Warm baked cookies and some buttermilk biscuits man... sounds very appealing right now. I got a huge sweet and salty tooth. How’s the weather there? Is it cold or warm? 

Also reading any good books lately? I got a very good romantic book that I’m currently reading. Can’t wait to finish it completely after my last final. 

When I finish the entire book... I’ll tell you the title of it. Got any books you reading right now, specifically any books on romance and love you are currently reading?

I wish you could see that the inside of me is -Broken- promises are the reason my trust was shattered into -Pieces- of me float around not really gone but not here -Either- life or death you choose -One- day maybe I'll be okay maybe everything will be -Fine- the easiest word to cover up tears and fake -smiles- are a distant memory they hardly happen these -Days- go by and I watch you happy with -Her- smile is so bright and I remember when that used to be me.

Andy Williams had an amazing voice! How did i find out about him now? He was magical!

I watched a classic romance movie "Love Story", beautiful movie with a beautiful soundtrack. And Andy Williams sings the main theme. What a voice! Im in love! No, im obsessed!

Future beloved, if you are there somewhere....please sing this too me.?