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1000 letters.

Can i call you? I miss you jet.

I’m beautiful. I’m intelligent. I have a bright future ahead of me.

I’m not stressing if no one wants me now because I know I’m a good catch and the right person will eventually see it.

50% i miss you. 50% i miss you so much.

Good to know where I stand priority wise

Dear crush,

It's been 4 years since I like you. I'm tired of waiting but it's okay....i will never ever give up on you.

And I hope one day, you and I can be us.?

I'm in love with my best friend and I wish I were the kind of girl that guys liked.

I wish because maybe if I was he wouldn't seem just a bit interested but terribly scared of doing anything about it.

I wish because maybe I could kiss my feelings onto someone else's lips. Because even though it would be terrible to pretend to feel for someone else what I feel for him, it would take away a little bit of the confusion and the hurt that comes with it.

I wish because he's so otherworldly sweet to me, and he knows how I feel because a mutual friend told him. He says such romantic things and then suddenly pulls back and it's endlessly confusing.

I wish because maybe, just maybe, if he saw me touching someone else, if he saw me laughing with someone else, if he saw me slipping away just a little bit, just at all, he might realize just how close he wants to pull me, realize that every kiss I've planted on his cheek made his heart beat just a little faster, realize that the reason why watching movies with me isn't his favorite because of the movies but because he has me curled up against his side.

I wish.


you know your cards and you play them well but it’s so sad it’s just not me you play with.

im Still in love with you

Never in my life did I imagine I'd be in a relationship where we called each other "babe." But we are that couple. It still makes me laugh.