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1000 letters.

I miss the old you and how we used to be

But it’s alright now, I learned my lesson well. You see you can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself.?

She told me, “baby when you race, today, just take along my love with you. And if you knew how much I love you, baby, nothing could go wrong with you.”


It was nice to meet you, even if it was too brief. I wish you all the best.

p.s. I like you.

You must think I’m super confident and outgoing as you’re watching me speaking to groups of people. But the truth is that I’m too shy to approach you. Groups don’t intimidate me, but I really am intimidated by how pretty you are.

If only I had the courage and opportunity to tell you how beautiful I think you are.


lt feels like my heart is breaking every minute of the day. And every moment I’m looking for something to busy my hands so I don’t stop to cry. It feels like the first time I thought you were just playing games. It feels like the day you disappeared and I didn’t get a goodbye. It feels like the moment I saw the picture of you and her. It feels like this every minute of the day.

as much as i want to see this man and bond with him

i just couldn't because he's literally out of my league so i'm giving up..

even though i was tired as frig i literally stayed up until 2:00 in the morning just because you couldnt sleep. i hope you know i love you lmao

please universe i miss him so much. please let me see him it’s all i ask.