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1000 letters.

Tell me it’s not over yet and we still have a special connection. We still long for each other...I want to hear you say it...

You had your breakdown last night, and i'm scared that you might do something stupid But I trust in you that you won't do it. I'm sorry if I keep on staying even though you pushed me away a lot of times. I will stay no matter how many times you rant and whine about most of everything. I just dont want you to think that everyone leaves you, I want to prove you wrong and i'm staying.


i hate looking back at the letters i wrote on here when i was twelve and realizing i'm still the same stupid bitch

When I like someone, I focus completely on them romantically. It might be stupid and "decrease my chances" or whatever, but that is how I want someone to love me, so that is how I love. Also why I am alone

comment your crush's initials

i am begging you to give me a sign that everything is going to work out


I still adore you

I cried on my way home. People are just mean. I quit

Everytime I see you I fall in love with you all over again I'm deceased ?

I just haven’t met you yet