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1000 letters.

I hope you had a good day and it wasn't stressful

I'm terrified to acknowledge the little things you do that make me think you like me

I wish I was more creative with words but everytime I think of you there's nothing left to say.

Every single time I try to love somebody else, you come back and get me falling again, and it's not even your fault, I just can't seem to get rid of my 9 years of love for you.

You taught me what addiction meant, and God it's painful.

IIt could take years before you trust it's not your fault ???? ??

I love you so much and I want to come back to h but how long do I need to wait ? ??

I want to see you ?

Love you ???? ??

I'm glad you told me that you like me in the same way I have been liking you.

But why does my heart is full of doubt?

~Cactaceae Stargazer