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1000 letters.

I don't like how I say stuff and nobody pays attention

Then he says the exact same thing a few days later and people think he's a genius

It's a good thing he's cute

but I'm better

I am

Watch me love myself into eternity

you remind me of love. always.

you always remind me of love.

thank you.

Go on tell me which kind of girls you like then and which kind of girls annoy you

I think I'm losing my damn mind. What's left of it anyway.

I need to stop hyperventilating any time I receive a scrap of attention from someone

I’m so emo

When you don’t get what you want it’s called God’s protection. Trust the path that He has for you. Breathe in, breathe out. You’re going to be fine.

He buttdialed me.

All I could hear was him working :)

All that Mowtown, Diana, Dido, Adele

You wanted me to be happy in my life; how was I going to be when you didn't want me to be a part of yours anymore? I get that I don't live in reality and so age really doesn't bother me in the slightest; but you must understand that I was never under the illusion that we would ever actually be an "official" couple, but I at least thought that we would have both been secretive to have a bit of fun now and again?

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