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1000 letters.

dear dumbfuck r,

i hate you so much at this moment. i fucking hate you a lot. all this while when you made me all giddy about things, all those cute random messages that you send me all day long, all those late night calls and you tell me now that i was a fucking inspiration for your work? that i was your muse? and no, not in a cute way. you would only fucking talk to me because it would inspire you to work. you have no regards for me whatsoever.

don't get me wrong, i don't either. i don't talk to people for so long, i never do. we've been in the same college but we haven't even met. i was about to fly back to college and all this while you've been asking me to come back too but for what? i would have stopped talking to you anyway but only when i'd be bored. you've never been interested to talk to me at all. what a sick fuck.

i have blocked your contact today. i hope i never get to hear your voice again because i would throw up. i don't need you in my life, i never did.

it makes you so proud and happy to say all of this to me, hah. you are so fucking pathetic, you make me sick.

your fucking juniper.

Got me right where you want me

Could I be more obvious? 

I don’t like him the same way I like you. But you know that.

I’m not going to call you, because I don’t have anything to say and I don’t want to make you anxious.

But I’m thinking of you.

i've only ever been attracted to one person is that weird

I'm an almost 27-year-old virgin girl.

I'm scared to death that I'll never find someone who loves me and accepts me just the way I am.

Do I have something wrong? Is there someone who feels like me?

I wish you weren't married.

If he stupid enough to let you go

be smart enough to walk away

I don't care if he's a rockstar, the president or the next son of god

you're not confused, me take action towards what they want

no action means no action

I dreamt of my old long time crush twice this week. ?

Bad foot isn’t playing.