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1000 letters.

Just one night and couple of drinks with you is all I need.

I got you a gift for your birthday

and now my birthday is next

will you get me anything or at least say happy birthday ?

We will wait and see ..


I look across the room, you are doing mundane tasks, like studying, or reading or just scrolling through your phone. I can't look away, you are so handsome and I love the way you live. I love being a part of your world and I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have married you. A whole year, isn't that just crazy, we got married a year ago. You promised to have and to hold me for the rest of your life and I did the exact same. I love you

I like him, he likes her.

I tried to imagine what my life would be like without you last night and I know there was life before you, but goodness - I cannot begin to imagine what life would be like after you.

Love does not die from hate; it dies from indifference.

every morning finds me moaning

I feel like I don't even know you anymore

I was having pretty unenjoyable sex, so I closed my eyes and pretended for a second it was you. It made it about 10,000 times more enjoyable. I'd totally have bad sex with you, which I mean in like, the sweetest way possible.