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1000 letters.

When it comes to you, its like that thing called *self control* just leaves my body instantly

letter #3

Dear Her,

I still haven't thought of a better nickname for us to use on this site.. one that is vague and subtle but still meaningful. Anyways. I hate that it seems like I'm just reducing you to a pretty face most of the time, because I'm not. When I tell you you're beautiful, I mean that you shine through inside and out. Plus, so many people tell you that everyday; I hope you don't dismiss mine as another one of them. You're so so so so damn beautiful. Truly.

Love, Sad girl

Dear Cliffbythepond,

You went missing for a few weeks and I didn't notice. I'm sorry.

~ Zorie.

I miss you. I miss you so much, Shahzain. You didnt pick up my calls and it hurt. It is so bad seeing the person you love with all your heart felling out of love with you. I will always love you

My friend to her husband: Explain what love is.

Her husband: Love is when you can tolerate someone for a long period of time.

Her: See?


you say we need to talk... I'm scared now. I'm scared it's not going to end well...

I miss you so. badly.

Have a blessed Eid folks!

I can't make myself not like her...