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1000 letters.

I want people to guess my name. If you do recognize me then don't make it obvious. Give me an idea and I'll know that you know. lol

My first name contains seven letters and begins with S.

Now, fill in the blanks.

S _ _ _ _ _ _

A Woman

I love Alexis so much, theres no words to express how much i want to be with her.


It's a notebook from a fifteen year old girl that wrote quotes, sayings, and poems that she loved and felt related to at the time. And used random names. Fifteen years old. And he was actually there. If she never had met you, would he still be there? Would life be different? She'll never know. She could blame you, she could blame anyone. But she made stupid mistakes just like everyone else. And no ones around but him. He's everywhere and she wishes to have never met you, but she'd never understand just how much more she's actually worth.


I love you. You have such a driving passion for the things going on in your life. Your whole face lights up. The way you talk about building your car explaining the minute details knowing I have no clue what it is sends butterflies fluttering through me. How your eyes seek out mine when there are others closer to you. How you ask how my day has gone. You stand there and just listen to me stumble through. You always tell me that you hope I have a great rest of the day. It's like we are a couple. You are beyond patient with me. I love you because I notice when you walk away from me. Yeah sure I am checking THAT out (which is mighty fine *cough cough*), but it is more. When you walk your right foot slightly hitches up. I always wonder why. What happened? I love that today you got so nervous trying to impress me (talking to my friend) that you talked faster and had a higher pitch than what you normally do. I love that you respect and make me feel comfortable. I love that you open doors for me. I love how the way you make me feel normal.

What I don't like is seeing you so tired. I am always internally reminding myself not to reach up and wipe away those dark smudges from under your sweet brown eyes. It just makes me want to hug you. Everything with you seems to be automatic, like one complimenting the other. And I really don't like how hard you are on yourself. If you could only see yourself through my eyes.

So Jacob, yes I am in love with you and have been for quite some time.


She sits pretty in her car, engine hums like her pulse from the start. And her hand fluctuates from itching her wrist, untangling her hair and fixing her dress. She was never pretty enough, not worth time. But he likes to refresh the ole memory with actions. She remembered the promise of forsaken and he remembers how she cares.

But he likes to misuse words and misplace obligations.

And the spokeswoman comes on the radio, speaks about living a life to get away from my evil kind. Well, the volume was loud enough, akin to a restraining order. So she shifts into drive and she'll sit in this hell because she no longer believes in heaven. And he was the only thing close to heaven.

I've been in love before. I've had a couple people in love with me. In the beginning, it feels like the loss of control. It feels very much like volplaning. Then the engines rev back up, and you soar up into the stratosphere. I miss it. I want it.


I miss your smile...

It’s all about the first person you wanna tell good news to.

Was it you or I who stumbled first?

It does not matter. The one of us who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other.

You are the answer to my prayers.