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1000 letters.

I need to stop falling in love with people because they're there.


You have to be fit and attractive, and preferably blonde. You have to have social media and an instagram with tons of followers. You should at least get 100 likes per picture. Most of your pictures should have your assets displayed. You must have makeup on. No acne, cellulite, or bloated stomach. Bikini pictures are preferred. You must have an extroverted personality and be flirty/sexy. You better love to party, dress up, and go out. The rest of your personality be damned.

Those are his requirements. Any less and you will not be considered as his girlfriend.


I haven't posted on here for a while. Tomorrow I'm going to a party after a very long time and he will be there! I'm so excited.

Elephant Juice Girl

Maybe it's just me but sometimes when you look at a couple's profile pic can't you almost tell which one is faking happiness and which one is totally oblivious? Not that it matters to me, I'm just a people watcher and like trying to make observations.


I don't care if you let go of me or not. The truth is, I DO NOT have feelings for anyone. Nor do I care enough to know about yours. Stop wasting your and my time. I'm tired of you taking my kindness for granted. Leave me alone. Frankly speaking, I don't even want to care about your existence.


He was fire.

My love for him was intense and painful. Even our very best days were tinged with wanting. I loved him the way you love something that is fading, something that's dying. I was desperate for more, for something that didn't exist. I scratched and clawed my way through our relationship looking for anything to qualm my aching. It was chaos disguised as passion.

You are the earth.

My love for you was not explosive, nor painful. It was like waking up and remembering exactly where you are. It was natural, effortless. It only dawned on me that I was in love with you after I was hopelessly buried in you. It was like suddenly realizing that what you'd been standing on all this time was soil and sand and solid. You have never wavered. You have been sunlight in the worst of my storms. 

There is something to be said for burning love, but the thing about fires is that they almost always burn out.

I wouldn't take back the years

I've already cashed in your tears


things are changing fast and I wish you were here. there are so many things that I want you to see and experience... so many people I want you to meet, but I am afraid that they might not all be around by the time you make it here.... I know you're trying.. but come home soon.


try to walk away and I stumble

This is me loving you with all my heart. 

I know for a fact I'm never going to cure cancer. I know I'm never going to make a large discovery to change the course of the human race forever. I'm not going to walk the moon, discover a new species, or decipher an old language. 

At this point I believe that being your girlfriend is the greatest thing I am. 

And I couldn't be prouder. 

With love,
