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How will i survive this?

What can I say, it makes a HELL of a lot of sense that you'd drive 13 hours to see me, and then change your mind because of a freaking facebook post.


Driving last night, I was thinking back to the first time I met you. 

I didn’t like you.  I think you found me obnoxious, loud, and my jokes unfunny, and I thought you were this pompous hipster that thought he was cooler than everyone else.  So whenever I came in, I made it a point to have my friend talk to you, so then I wouldn’t have to, because I can be pretty petty with cold shoulders. 

 Eventually, it became this cat and mouse game, and it really seemed like you were trying to force me to have to interact with you like a game of sorts.  Then, one day, I needed a pen.  So I had my friend ask you for one.  When I was done, I saw you looking over, and you were actually smiling and looking friendly (for once), and suddenly…I was nervous.  So I shoved it at her and asked her to return it to you for me with some out-of-my-ass excuse.    

As we were leaving, you made it a point to catch my eyes and gave me the biggest smirk - I knew I was a goner.  

I realized I like you.  I like the too-cool-for-school hipster dude with the face. 

I like you more than I have ever liked any one human being before.  I like you because you are just as wickedly impish as I am.  I like you because you understood the way my brain processes, and we figured out a language of our own.  I like you because you have gumption, because you’re like no one else I’ve ever known.  Because, for the first time, someone figured out my brain. 

I know your feelings may have changed, because it’s been a while, and we never got a chance to really know each other.  But I want to know you. I want to know the first movie to ever make you cry. I want to know what type of quirks annoy the hell out of you.  I want to know who your favorite person is.  I want to know who your mentor was growing up.  I want to know you. I want to know your fears, your dreams, and the parts of you that you don’t love so that I can tell you why you should like I do for all my friends. 

You incite a curiosity in me that is inexhaustible.  And you still remain to be the one that brings color to my world. 

You know what fucking kills me?

When I’ve been waiting an extra week for my lingerie to come in the mail...

An EXTRA week. Because it got shipped to a town an hour away from me, so the rerouted it to TENNESSEE, and then back to me. In Louisiana. And guess what happened today? The day it finally came?





Mother Nature, the natural cock blocker. ???


Note to self, if someone of the opposite sex licks their lips at you, it means two things : its a sign they are into you and also implies oral. Go figure.?

You have to be careful on these anonymous sites. You can start going delusional. It's the world wide web people.

I'll be your blanket if you'll be my pillow.

Love, By: Storm

I want you. Most of the time I would never tell you that, and most of the time I would never jeopardize our friendship for the physical intimacy, but right now in this moment... Sigh. Sometimes the desires outweigh the moral implications or the potential consequences of a fwb situation. Sometimes I want you more.

Don't open Pandora's box.

I want to be the last person you ever have sex with. I'm so happy I don't have to worry about it though.
