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1000 letters.

It’s funny how we just met yet we felt like we knew each other before.

cause her name is ......

I want to know what exactly we are. More than that though, I want to know what I mean to you.

i love it when you wear orange.

It's Friday where you gonna ask me something :P

To you, dear stranger reading this:

have a nice day.

you can do it.

remember to be kind with yourself.

grab the opportunities that comes your way.

your dreams can be reached, it's not too far and you can make it come true

there's a place for you in this world.

there's someone waiting for you.

there's someone wishing hard to know you in person.

you're wanted.

there's a buddy of yours hoping you'd visit him/her one day.


be okay and be safe~

I like him. I do. I like his smile that stretches too wide. I like his spontaneity, his intelligence, his ungracefulness.

But my heart, it’s dumb, and it’s starting to feel for another person. He’s sleepy, and laughs without restraint, and just a tad bit awkward.

Two crushes at the same time.

Is that even normal?

from, r

The person I want to be, that kind of person that will be remembered as strong and principled, is fighting with the part of me that would fully submit to you, if you had a mind to ask me. The strength of my resolve to overcome all these obstacles set before me crumbles, inside this little haven of my mind. In here, I allow myself to dream of that world where we shock everyone. I allow myself to feel derision and hatred from a lot of people, while others who have made such choices nod their heads and understand. These things are just stories in my little haven, though. When I think of where these vast and imaginative scenarios really stay, the realization brings to me the sort of resignation that makes me want to Go. I'm really not sure what I'm sticking around for. Anyone else in my life will always be second to you. That's not fair to either me or anyone else. Hence, why I have spent almost a decade on my own. Most of it, writing here, where I can hide (in plain sight) how I feel. Touching your attention for just a brief moment in time, recently, was worth it, but the price I'm paying for it right now is high. And my imagination is stronger than anyone else's I know. I can only see one solution, and it's not pretty. This will pass. In time, it won't be as painful. I just need to stop fantasizing for a moment.


there's this straight guy named ady and all I wanna do is cuddle with him for hours. too bad i'm a guy :/