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You keep accidentally breaking my heart, why do I keep loving you?

So, you're married now...

why must I worry about you?

If you can't cook, I can't see myself being with you.

Food > Love

She expected us to remain friends after she moved on. I loved her with every cell in my body. I couldn’t. I couldn’t stick around and watch my first kiss, my first love, my first everything be with another person. So I ghosted her. It’s been 4 long years since we’ve spoken and not a day goes by that I haven’t thought of you and your big bright green eyes or your beautiful smile. I pray for you everynow and again because you’ve been through so much and I’ll always care for you. I miss you. I’ll always miss you, A.

Braces are expensive.

But your teeth?

I would kiss your teeth.

You said I abandoned you... But you left me.

You said you didn't want thus to be another sad live story... But its not a love story...

Its just sad.

Suceden cosas muy extranas cada vez que te miro. Un fuerte temblor se extremese, y me rebosa de frio. Y me nace el deseo de contarte, lo que yo te amo.