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My favorite movie used to be The Dark Knight, but now The Matrix is my new favorite movie.

one of these days, it will finally work out

Silence seems safe, but beware of swallowing your words too often. 

One day you'll choke on them.

The Chem Prince

Sometimes I hate having such a big heart. I’m one of those people if I care about you, I truly care about you. I'll always have your back and be your biggest supporter. I’ll love you at your worst and best moments in life. But it seems like the people that I care about the most never care about me like I do them. And it sucks because once I care about you, I can’t stop and it really hurts

You truly can not compare past relationships to present relationships. You will not experience the same intense feeling. The feeling will still be intense but remarkably distinct. Each time you fall in love, you are writing a different story with a different feeling.


Seeing you kiss her was excruciating

It was snowing. For someone like me its exciting. Of course coming from a place that rarely snows. He watched me from the window. He watched as I slowly walked from cottage to cottage with an amazed face. When I finally saw him I mouthed the words "Its Snowing" He had this smile and nodded.

why does seeing you cause me just as much pain as not seeing you?

you’re a freakin paradox

please just break my heart...

I cant wait for that feeling of pain

I am constantly reminded by your absence and your silence that you dont love me

Rantings of a woman in love