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1000 letters.

Signs he does or does not like me? Pls anwser i am desperate...

i just dont know what to do with you. I say i hate you but when is see your eyes, your smile, just you in general all my hatred just fades away.

He's short for his age

And he's a lady's man through and through.

A lady killa, if you ask me.

'Cause I haven't felt alive since he told me I wasn't worth anything.

Last night I was drifting off to sleep in his car. I have insomnia and this last week it's been kicking my butt, but riding in cars can lull me to sleep. He kept glancing over at me as I snuggled deeper into the seat and my eyes fluttered shut with a little smile on his face — I know he loves me.

Very softly, he said, "I can pull over somewhere for a bit so you can sleep a little."

I love him too.

We just have a laugh and get on! Today I've realised that's better than anything else happening ?

I was in grade 8 when I fell for him. He looked mysterious to me, because he always wears his hat. Well, of course he’s a hockey player that’s why. Everyday, I would always stare at him until he removed his hat and fixes his hair. I was amazed, and you know what’s weird? It was in slow motion, then this girl right here fell in love. I would always stay in the classroom to wait for him to arrive, but there’s times that they have a game or he’s sick. One day, he injured his knee from playing and I was really worried, but since we’re not that close I can’t help him because I was shy too. But I faced my fears and asked him if he‘s alright, and if I can write my signature on his cast, he agreed. My feelings grew when we were playing Lord of the Rings, he held my hand for 2 seconds, and I prayed that it would last longer, but it didn’t.

Now I’m in grade 9 and I still like him, but I didn’t tell anyone about it. You know what happens when someone tells your crush that you like him; I was scared that if he knew he would avoid me and won’t talk to me anymore. When I like someone, I would always pick on them or try everything just so they notice you. So everytime my friends asked if I like him I would deny it, but deep inside my organs would scream at me for not telling them the truth. He was friends with my friend, and it helped me to have a conversation with him. Eventually, I got to know more about him. He was goofy and nice, and kinda crazy but that’s what makes him special. One afternoon, our science teacher made us get a partner and we have to look each other on the eyes. My goodness gracious he was my partner, and we were staring at each other, but I can’t focus since my insides were screaming, and my teacher notice that I wasn’t being serious so she changed my partner and so on.

Finally, I’m in grade 10 but he still doesn’t know that I like him. I can only get to see him in the morning, because we have different classes in the afternoon. Now I “barely” talk to him, and I heard that he’s dating someone, but my feelings for him won’t change. As long as I can see his cute face everyday I’m good with that.

I would be willing to fall for it if I wasn't smart enough now.

And Let Me Go would be a strong antidote if this was four years ago.

It's 80 degrees in winter. Like this cold never existed.

And like me daddy says, I'm holding on to a part of my life I never had.

It's 80 degrees.

Spring barged in on winter like it was none of it's business.

Must be a sign.

I don't take a shower since four days

Cherry Blossom Girl

Some of the letters I have wrote before here makes me cringe :/


This is painful.
