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1000 letters.

What does it mean when a guy says you calm him down

fuck prom. and fuck you, mostly.

i really can't get over about how good you looked yesterday dahsodjasd

Not sure what it means that even though you said no when I asked you out, I haven’t seen you smile like you’ve smiled at me, beaming, when we flirted for those few glorious winter days.

Your beard is soo sexy ?

we're not even together and you make me wanna change my life for the better

Sorry if I was awkward. Take it as proof that I don’t have any experience doing what I did, writing what I wrote you. As proof that you were and are the woman of my dreams, a woman whom I didn’t know existed. That’s more than a little bit unsettling. Awkward was the best I could do in these curious circumstances.

it is baffling that two individuals can share an intimate experience and to one it meant nothing and the other—everything.

Land mine!

Has taken my sight!

Taken my speech!

Taken my hearing!

Taken my arms!

Taken my legs!

Taken my soul!

Left me with life in hell!

My heart just melts when you get all awkward and clumsy, I adore you