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1000 letters.

I always wondered if you suspected through my body language and mannerisms that digged you a lot.

i’m so lucky i hope this goes well i really really really really like u & i don’t think i could handle a heartbreak after all of this

I feel you’re so special, so out of this world that I could have gone through several lifetimes without meeting someone remotely like you.

But I did, and you were not for me.

I really loved meeting you in person yesterday, even though I wished I could stay a little more with you guys, but, it was worth it.  I'll miss you and hope to see you again. You brought sunshine to this little crazy girl that I am.

I didn’t want to sleep with you, I wanted to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. I hope you know that.

Drinking champagne alone in some bar, thinking it would taste better with you by my side.

You are ao darn cute when you are pissed off. I'd tell ya but I dunno if you have a gf or anything

Sexy and Curvy and AWESOME. That's you. Me? I'm just sitting here with my mouth on the floor. Don't mind me.

tfw someone is obviously ignoring you on text.

I love it when you talk dirty to me god