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"In the flush of love's light we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free." Maya Angelou

"I have late night conversations with the moon, he tells me about the sun and I tell him  about you." S.L Gray 

"Here is my secret. It is quite simple. One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." - The Little Prince 

Moistah than an oystah

it hurts a lot. I don’t even know how to explain it. you said that I’m special. I thought you cared about me. so why?

I just pray to the good Lord above that if it's supposed to be something, he will somehow find a way to me.

This is not a crush. 

This is her unwittingly taking everything I thought I knew about life and taking it apart, piece by piece.

I just can't help but wonder what might have happened. All of these what ifs floating around in my mind.

What if I had lingered around in the room just a little bit longer?

What if he left a note with his number on it for me, but the janitor picked it up?

What if he was waiting for me to hint at whether or not I was single?

What if he tried to look for me online, but didn't remember my name?

I suppose I'll never know...


i’m delusional! at my favorite place, the library, i was standing by a bookshelf just checking out the books with an intriguing title/cover. then i saw the sliding doors of the entrance open and i SWORE i thought i saw you and i quickly hid behind the bookshelf, my heart practically jumped out of my chest. i was freaking out. my heart was beating so fast. i don’t even know why i panicked, i wouldn’t mind seeing you around?! but i got so scared, haha. but it wasn’t you, anyways. my heart was still beating fast as i made my way to my car and my mouth was dry and i had to take a sip of water. thinking back on it now i don’t even know why i thought it was you, seeing as you hate reading and books in general. but i was just caught off guard, as the man i saw had the same hair and the same walk as you. taking deep breaths. now i don’t know what i’ll do if i REALLY see you.

But what do I do when I'm my own architecht of misery?