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1000 letters.

It’s weird, I don’t know how to text you.

I’ve always been starting conversations, but we talk about weird things.


I don’t even ride rollercoasters, and we talk about them!

A Coke bottle with Wong as the name?

Tell me how that isn’t weird and hilarious at the same time!

Oh well, I still love talking to you. And when you come back you are so finishing that story you began to tell me.

Still miss you!

soul sister


falling for your eyes

but they don't know me yet


Maybe I need this time to clear my head. Maybe I need to take this time to be away from everyone. I won't though. Some people, maybe, but I know I'll still keep my eyes out for messages from you

I need some time to remember who I am..... I have spent so long doing things for other people and shaping myself around what other people like to see that I have forgotten what I would choose for myself. Even things like my favorite color. The things I wear. The places I go. The things that drive me crazy. The things I like. I need time to remember who I am.

This will be good. Here's to finding me.... The old me, actually. Maybe you'll like her. I don't know


Ive fallen for someone else, just like you said i would. I'm not guilty because now i know how it feels to be wanted and respected.


I have been up since 4:00am, having returned back from my unbelivable adventure in berlin. I have realized, although i havent had a relationship yet, have been completely encompassed by love sickness twice in my life. The first time was with a terrible choice of a crush, and the second with someone i had just met in berlin. It was just awful in both cases, it was like i had depression. I was an utter mess. I had no idea such strong feelings of sadness and frustration would come along with having crushes like this. A word to the wise, if you see yourself headed down this path with any crush you have, switch to someone else unless you can take the emotional impact. -anon.

Is love at first sight possible?

Or why am I filled with him?

Does he think about me?

Am I overthinking his body language, glanzes and eyes?

This is now. This is today Saturday. I am breathing and my heart is beating. The air is better now, rain came yesterday.

You are probably not who I think you are. So I am alive

and most of my family is alive.

Isn't that enough.

I don't want to make a stupid decision because of you.

Yesterday when the rain crashed against the bus window I was

filled with you.

Not even knowing who you really are.

It is a sad situation. A situation which I need to get out of. I want you

but this is life

and life is not working out 90 percent of the time. And so

I think of you occasionally, but I no longer feel the same depth of lust, fascination and electricity.

It's sad, really. You've got that woman at work hanging all over you, which is not a good look, and she's not good news. You'll find that out soon enough, though. She's completely cured me of you.


The same usual day. Nothing much actually happened except the fact that I saw you again in the hallway. You look so attractive whenever you smile. I am just so thankful that God gave you friends that could make you smile. Because even though I wanna make you smile, I couldn't. Someone owns you, and it's better to live in this way.

Looking at you from afar and giving you a constant love and appreciation through ghost feelings and existence.

-peach pit

how about we pause for awhile and look at the same roof together?

-peach pit

It's been a year since I met you

Six months since I've seen you

But I still check both of our horoscopes everyday