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1000 letters.

I can’t lie, I miss you S

Please don't be in love with someone else.

Please don't have somebody waiting on you.

When are you coming back? It's not the same without you here.

farewell.. ??

- v.

This is it.

The last letter

Why is this the letter you may ask?

Because my crush is no longer a crush

She is in fact

My Fiancee

Don't lose hope

Keep an open mind

You'll find love one day


He threw a toddler tantrum like whoa ? ? like the whole fucking office heard it and it was over a misunderstanding in the first place. Gonna suggest we celebrate his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I’ll provide the tiara for the princess.


I tried very hard to forget you. I just can't. I don't want to.

Miss U

good luck on your exams m/g. you’re going to do so great in pursuing your dreams and i will always believe in you. ??


- v.

Would he challenge me? Inspire me to grow and be my best self?

No and I doubt he could even do the same for himself.