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1000 letters.

I do love you..

She makes no effort. I'm moving on.

You probably won’t see me for awhile. Take care

I can hear your footsteps with your high heels approach towards the doorstep of my heart. You’re getting closer and closer there every night before I fall asleep and reunite with you in my dreams. 

You’ve seen the damage that my heart has endured. You’ve seen the tally mark scars engraved onto my heart that show how many people hurt me, how many situations in my past that lead to the condition of my heart. 

Chem M.D

it’s my birthday, but I feel so, so sad.

II hope we can start this love you soo much ??

Why the fk do I miss you then

Please call me Crystal, let's work this out

everyone has their own problems

You’re just not a catch at all.