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What will be your Christmas/New Years wish this year?

This is not my favorite time of the year. I would like to skip December pls.

good morning Willem

Who’s brave enough to peel back the layers of this ??

And if you’re going to mock my typing I was up until 4am because of you.

Thinking about you. Miss you. Wish I could have seen you this year. That was part of the plan but the world had other plans and maybe it’s for the best.

And if we look at your actions you had girlfriend after girlfriend and tried to meet me the night of the first year ball despite the fact that you had a girlfriend at the time. Then weazeled your way into my apartment in third year, slept with my house mate to get revenge, trespassed into my room when I was having an episode and took revenge porn of me that was not consensual. Made up a story to make me look like the bad guy when you’re a psychopathic, narcissist. You hacked my computers. Bugged my house. Invaded my privac. You think you own me. You stalked me, cyber bullied and gas lighted me for ten years. Yes let’s look at your actions.

And if we look at your actions you had girlfriend after girlfriend and tried to meet me the night of the first year ball despite the fact that you had a girlfriend at the time. Then weazeled your way into my apartment in third year, slept with my house mate to get revenge, trespassed into my room when I was having an episode and took revenge porn of me that was not consensual. Made up a story to make me look like the bad guy when you’re a psychopathic, narcissist. You stalked me, cyber bullied and has lighted me for ten years. yes let’s look at your actions.

What? You mean your lies?