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1000 letters.

I'm so sorry I was too scared to love you.

I always thought there was something very authentic about you. No bs runarounds. Just cutting straight to the point. I'm not saying it's extremely rare, but y'know.

I'm sure you've gotten all kinds of "compliments" to the point of it being ? but that's basically the gist of it.

I'd choose not to dwell on it too much but this past year has given us all a lot of time to think. A shitty deal indeed.

The fire would sparkle in your eyes and mine.

Oh it’s what you do to me.

I swear we were together in my dreams last night. I remember holding your hand at some point. Your right hand in my left one. Our non dominant receiving hands. Travel. There is always so much travel in these dreams. Where are we always heading to, my love?

Thinking about it, I don’t recall ever feeling “chemistry” with someone.

I certainty hope this long wasn’t will result in finding a good partner without sorting through the trash so to speak.

You make me sick.


Love covers a multitude of sins.

I love you.

It seems like nobody wants to do the work.

damn i thought i was over you