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Live outloud since there's no such thing as privacy. It's a great way to truly own your shit and not be concerned about it.

Ignorance is bliss. Stay stupid.

If you're angry and dissatisfied with life, you're too smart and observant

I’m curious, how did you guys find this website? I was about 13 or 14 looking up crush quotes on google on day. now I’m 21. In those years I’ve never heard anyone mention this site yet there’s so many of us here

Do we need to set up an emotional and mental abuse discord? The thing is I might just be paranoid but I feel like my abuser is here. Like, I have thought that before but this time, for reals.

People never believe the victim so not only are we abused by the abuser, we’re abused on top of being abused by not being believed plus we have mental illness as a result of the abuse and that my friends is why I’m suicidal.

If I was lying how come I’m the one that got schizophrenia and depression and he’s living merily, because everything I said was true and I am/ was traumatised. “It’s not what’s wrong with you, it’s what happened to you“ cause I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to hear voices and want to die. Who grows up wanting to be mentally ill or not able to work or live a normal life? You don’t! I was abused my whole life and he was the icing on the cake.

Am I thinking of you because I am lonely or am I lonely because I'm thinking of you?

I’m doing it I’m finally able to let go. After 3 years of what I’ve figured out to be emotional/mental abuse I’m free. I can’t believe I gave you my everything, my love,my body, my time. You keep saying theres no way I ever loved you because I left but you were sucking the life out of me. You went on that 2 week vacation without me and I realized that I don’t need you anymore. yes I miss having a lover by my side but it’s time I love my family, friends and especially me more right now knowing that I selfishly ignored them for you for 3 whole years. I’m sorry I know it hurts and I’m hurting too, hell we created our own future together but logically after seeing how you have treated me and others I don’t want it I will not have children with someone like you. I’m just happy I was able to save myself before it was too late. Not saying I regret the last 3 years because I did learn lessons but it’s time for a new chapter.I’m only 21 and I have so much ahead of me. Yes you brought me good memories but it was not worth the pain And isolation you put my through and made me feel.I’m letting you go

can't sleep because i'm thinking about you

Abusers love to play the part of the altruistic hero. But I know better now.

Abusers want you to believe you're responsible for their abuse, then they don't have to take responsibility for it.

Stay away from me and my friends