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1000 letters.

in the back of my mind, i hope you havent forgotten about me, even though all i wish for is to forget about you.

and her name is

anyone have music recommendations? i’m into singer songwriter/indie/shoegaze if anyone has any reccs pls comment!

Thank you for not giving up on me

Hey, I hope you still remember me

goodnight e

i love you. im trying my best not to have a freakout tmrw and tbh in gen.

i'll be more active after my grandads funeral im just in a cloudy headspace rn

ur j

i just want you to get out of my head already. it’s so painful to have to remember you even though you hurt me so bad. it hurts me even more to know that i love you, always will, even if it is not romantic. i left you because you kept hurting me, and you acted like you didn’t.

I hope u never stop loving me

Crush from the gym, we exchanged glances for a while and I can't stop thinking about you. I catch your glances wherever I go in the gym.?


You're involving other people in this. I don't owe them anything. If this started on private, it belongs between us. So what if things are rough? So f*cking what if there are loose ends? I stand for my privacy and I won't give it so easily to curious eyes. I am done.

Don't waste your time texting me. You won't get an answer. Just delete my number and forget.