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1000 letters.

I just wanted to be held by you like a bride but you're too mean so I gave up. 

Psstt.. I like you, but

Let me be your muse

ingenuity is always appreciated.

There is a woman that should be courted, swooned, adored and loved every single day. I try and feel as though I fall short (I’m not 5’5 and 3 quarters tall) everytime. I hope she sees my efforts to give her a glimpse of her value to me.

Her and me!

You made me wonder how I was ever capable of even existing on this planet without knowing you.

I wish you knew about this website so i could hear from you. Miss you “my star”.

I check here many times every day hoping to hear from my favorite boy, but I never do...

If the feelings are mutual and you cannot tell me directly , post the song “time in a bottle” by Jim Croce.

- ”I” as in “Iri”

Hint : Iri as in Irida. You know too much.

P.S : we will not talk about it at all. It will be our secret.