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1000 letters.

trying to stop myself from loving you because it’s a sin and distract myself with quran but of course your name is mentioned everywhere

influencer women influenced by undercover “pretty boys” not to embrace their women loving women or transmen relationships because that just doesn’t work for men who don’t actually like women Mother Earth take a shower!


idk anymore, sorry i refuse to play ml with u lol i dont like the game that much

galing kay secret

babe taylor wrote a song about u!! (the smallest man who ever lived)

I know we're juuuust colleagues, but there are some things I feel about you. I can't help it and I am sorry.

I want to love you like there is no tomorrow.

The audacity 🧐

I'm so used to being lonely, I forgot how to use my heart. Idk how to let him know I am no different than the rest


i'll move on from you soon, i hope

- four eye