
I liked an old insta post of yours, Jaybird.

I hope you don’t have push notifications on lol

I hope the notification disappears


Forgive me. I just missed you, I dreamed about you the other night and woke up in tears.

If only things had been different. Truly, I don’t know why I left you. I was afraid, I think.. why? I’m not sure. But 5 years later.. you still walk in my dreams and your mark still burns in my heart.

I have yet to fit in the arms of another man like I fit in yours. I have yet to see such emotion in someone’s eyes.

I do not regret leaving you, we both had growing to do. But.. what can I do now? What can I do, but love you still? And pray for you? What can I do, oh, but remember you?

And still I hope.. I hope and pray that someday our paths will curve towards each other.. and maybe.. just maybe, they’ll intertwine yet again.


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