You’ll likely never read this. It’s funny because you’re the poet, not me. I wish I could talk to you but at the same time every time we communicate it hurts even worse than before. I wish you would have been straight up honest with me from the very beginning but instead you led me on for years, which felt like an eternity; all because of our gender. I don’t even feel like myself anymore, it’s crazy because it’s been almost 2 years. The crazier part is that we never even dated, it was all just a situationship. We Kept breaking no contact but when you just up and left i was confused and you never really communicated very well but I’m not good at communication either but why did you leave me with no explanation? Besides the fact that you’re focusing on your career and our gender? I hope you find the love that you deserve but please next time treat whoever you date better than the way you treated me.

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