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1000 letters.

I dont get likes any more like i used too do..

I whant to someday play just dance 2019 just the two of us?

Birth Chart plus card reading for guidance.

My passion for you to make it work.

Perfect combo

No one knows anyone. Not that well.

-Miller‘s Crossing


playlist on shuffle.

Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.

Mmmhmmm, a nice song. So chill...

And relates a lot.

To me and him.

i’m scared of all the what ifs in my head. what if all my what ifs turn out to be my reality?

i love you so much words cant describe it. ??


I'm sorry I cut you off. I still feel so guilty about it. You never deserved to be abandoned like that, but I was in such an awful place that I thought pushing people away would help me.

I still think about you. I know that we can't get the relationship we had back, but i wish we could. I can't get over how happy you made me feel. I just wish I weren't such an idiot.

But I know that I have to let you go. We've both changed so much that I don't think we can truly be close again. So, this is it. I'm not going to write about you on here anymore. I'm going to delete the old bookmarked letters. I'm going to stop hoping that you'll talk to me. I'm going to let you go.

I hope you have a great life. You'll find someone so wonderful that will make you happier than I could. So...goodbye. Thank you for the fond memories.


yo dude love u two!