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Never could find anything interesting about mainstream society which remained consistent. Although the psychology behind certain human characteristics and behaviours peaks my curiosity from time to time.

Hatred is stronger than love when it comes to making Drastic changes

It's dangerous, I know. I must be really brave and fearless, I'm surprised... 'cause I don't even know from where I got my resolve to stand beside him, try to help and such.

Others would reject him as soon they learned this. When he told me, it felt like nothing to be shocked, no news to be upset...just confirmed the rumors I've heard, maybe I saw it coming. We don't live together and we meet sometimes,so I'm safe, I guess.

I can't give him an ultimatum, I can't demand a thing, can't put him against the wall and confront, no... Taking a soft route does help? Who knows, something tells me that he needs me the most, he wants support not judgment. It's a long journey, I'm not expecting promises or a change in a short timespan, no.

I want it for real. The truth. What's going on. What makes him want the drugs. When he has a rebound. What happens to him when he's sober or when high. I want to talk about it. I want him to feel safe. Even if there are walls built around him, even if there are layers...just like an onion, I want to understand what he goes through. I want to be useful. And hopefully, be there when he quits.

—in love with a drug user.

Dear Yash,

I think I do like you.



I would almost rather that you hate me than be indifferent to me.

I love you so....

Just found out today that you got a girlfriend during the break...i hope she makes you happy

I went out with a girl for the first time since coming out, and I like her, but I don’t like her as much as I liked you,

and I feel terrible comparing her to you, even though I am aware that you and her are individuals who are incredibly and wonderfully different.

But I know I loved you, love you.

D i want to talk to you so bad i know the trouble you have caused and the reasons why you did it doesnt matter its not your fault D you can talk to me about anything i wish you would im here for you for as long as im around which will be forever whatever you have to say i wont judge i dont/wont hate you its the opposite im in love with you i love you sso much ??

Even as I'm surrounded by beauty and lights and the satisfying hum of a thousand cars, you don't leave my mind. Because I appreciate what is going on around me, but I can't stop thinking about how it would be even better with you here.