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1000 letters.

Because I'm right

Except I wasn't sure about the other thing plus

My Ego

Now Listen,

Get me out of here! Please!


I like you on the warpath.

I AM SICK OF HEARING GIRLS SAY "AM I PRETTY ENOUGH"? like yes u are worth it fuck him if he doesnt see it

Look, you don’t want me to call you. You’d freak out. So why continue with the nonsense?

Everything is classified as narcissism nowadays. ?

Again with the weird shit. What’s your point?

I’ll dress how I like. And I’ll never drive a Jeep. Or collect dolls. Sorry.

I still find it hard to believe you love me always, or that anyone would.

fuck you, i loved u for 3 years, even though you didnt love me back. i let u use me. i let u take advantage of me. and you know what i would let you do it again. because i would do anything for ur attention

you will always, when i say always i mean ALWAYS, have a place in my heart. i know that i won't in yours. If only i was 17, just like you, maybe you would want me the way you want her. You wouldn't have kissed her the night before you took me on a date. james, u broke my heart without noticing. i thought we could make the 4 year difference work but you deciding that it wasnt worth trying. You shouldn't have told me i looked pretty and just like a princess that night, especially when you were thinking of her. God i hate her james, i really do. Shes perfect, shes everything im not. Shes everything im insecure about. If she was 14 like me would you still want her? you said " you have a good heart. and youre gorgeous. and i do wish to stay friends..." why would i want to stay friends james? you shattered me, you broke me. of course i said i wanted to stay friends as well. but i didnt mean it. i wanted to be the girl u looked at with a smile, the girl you held in ur arms, the girl u wanted. i will always love you

It really really sucks wanting someone that doesn’t want you, and even worse, probably never did. They probably don’t even think about me or remember me.