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I bet I can tell her how I feel. Here hold my beer

its been four months since we have talked July 15 was the last day we had talked. i miss you a lot that i cry my self to sleep wanting to have our stupid conversations again. i wish i was in your arms and you holding me in your arms but sadly that cant happen. if only the world let us be together and not have my parents separate us. i'm sorry i'm making you suffer without me talking to you nonstop. i'm sure you miss our talks as much as i do. i'm sure you miss hugging me and giving me kisses on my forehead. even making me laugh when u poke my sides. the thing that sucks the most is that we have to keep this a secret. i'm upset that your a senior and i'm a freshman. i hate that we are so far apart. i hate that people get in the way. i hate how i feel like i might lose you. i hate that...i haven't told you how much i loved you...i hate how you make

i love you beast.

love,lone wolf

I can't spell future without you.

Only so many times you can cancel on someone until your words lose meaning. Last chance tomorrow.

When I started high school I was a shy, innocent, and sensitive girl. I didn’t have any friends and I was so stressed out that I attempted suicide more than once. I had no one to talk to and no shoulder to lean on. I was a mess. Then I met my best friend. And we met our other best friend. We were on top of the world. Halfway through 1st semester sophomore year I was told I was moving to a different state in less than a month. My birthday was a couple weeks away and I wouldn‘t be able to spend it with my best friends. I finished the year strong. Now I’m in my junior year. I met you in one of my classes and it was love at first sight. I don’t know what you think about me. I know you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yes you have a girlfriend and yes you are a Senior and you will probably be leaving this horrible state for college. But I can’t give up on you. I can’t lose you. Hopefully you know how much I like you and you may feel the same. You’re the only thing keeping me here, keeping me from becoming my freshman self all over again.


You are delusional, you know that? How are you the adult and mature one when your life is a disaster?

Hella heart eyes for this Kid dude. I don’t know what to do. Do I tell him. He has a girlfriend so I don’t want to tell him that I really like him

I kissed a woman and a man the other night-both times I pretended it was with you! I don't even know where my head is right now

so its been about 2 months... i wish i could just stop counting...